AC Calendar BOT (messaging)

AC Calendar BOT

Bot by Approved Contact

AC Calendar BOT

Compare open times on your calendar to open times on any of your Approved Contact's calendars from right inside of Webex

Compare open times on your calendar to open times on any of your Approved Contact's calendars from right inside of Webex
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Bot by Approved Contact

FreeTime - Compares available calendars from everyone in the space and displays up to the first 3 available times.

First, set up a new profile on Approved Contact

Second, sync your calendar into Approved Contact and invite your contacts to become your Approved Contacts

Third, add the Approved Contact BOT to any Webex space that you want to compare your free times to others in the space.

This app is now order-able via Partner Solutions. Click here for more details



FreeTime - Compares available calendars from everyone in the space and displays up to the first 3 available times.

First, set up a new profile on Approved Contact

Second, sync your calendar into Approved Contact and invite your contacts to become your Approved Contacts

Third, add the Approved Contact BOT to any Webex space that you want to compare your free times to others in the space.

This app is now order-able via Partner Solutions. Click here for more details