CardSampler (messaging)


Bot by Cisco Systems


Try Buttons and Cards samples in Webex

Try Buttons and Cards samples in Webex
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Bot by Cisco Systems

Demonstrates samples of buttons and cards in Webex.

Designers can view these cards in the Buttons and Cards Designer and modify the design to their own needs.

In addition to interacting with pre-built card samples, designers can also post their own design to cardSampler to see how it looks in the Webex clients. cardSampler will report on errors if the design fails to render, and also show the payload that is sent when users click on buttons.



Demonstrates samples of buttons and cards in Webex.

Designers can view these cards in the Buttons and Cards Designer and modify the design to their own needs.

In addition to interacting with pre-built card samples, designers can also post their own design to cardSampler to see how it looks in the Webex clients. cardSampler will report on errors if the design fails to render, and also show the payload that is sent when users click on buttons.