CoreyHealth™ (messaging)


Embedded App by Core Mobile


Improve Healthcare Efficiency, Access to Care and Patient Outcomes Using Mobile Devices for Clinical Workflows, Video Telehealth, Patient Engagement, Patient Tracking, Voice-Driven Clinical Charting and Automate Outcome Measurements.

Improve Healthcare Efficiency, Access to Care and Patient Outcomes Using Mobile Devices for Clinical Workflows, Video Telehealth, Patient Engagement, Patient Tracking, Voice-Driven Clinical Charting and Automate Outcome Measurements.
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Embedded App by Core Mobile

CoreyHealth™ is HIPAA & FISMA certified, TRM approved, VHA Software Assured and has National Authority to Operate.

CoreyHealth™ is a Mobile app and Web App for use by Staff and is part of an offering that includes an app for patients, iWatch application for staff, and software for large screen displays.

Core Mobile optimizes the care process by providing:

  1. Automatic encounter generation
  2. Clinical Charting during telehealth
  3. Place diagnostic Orders
  4. ePrescriptions
  5. Care Coordination across care-providing teams

To learn more, visit this page, To see a demo visit.

“CoreyHealth™ is available as part of an enterprise sale. For more information on pricing and subscription options, please contact us:

To use CoreyHealth, you just need a paid Webex account and an enterprise CoreyHealth account.

To get started: Once in a Webex Call, search "Core Mobile". Click the app and click "Get Started" to "Create an Account."



CoreyHealth™ is HIPAA & FISMA certified, TRM approved, VHA Software Assured and has National Authority to Operate.

CoreyHealth™ is a Mobile app and Web App for use by Staff and is part of an offering that includes an app for patients, iWatch application for staff, and software for large screen displays.

Core Mobile optimizes the care process by providing:

  1. Automatic encounter generation
  2. Clinical Charting during telehealth
  3. Place diagnostic Orders
  4. ePrescriptions
  5. Care Coordination across care-providing teams

To learn more, visit this page, To see a demo visit.

“CoreyHealth™ is available as part of an enterprise sale. For more information on pricing and subscription options, please contact us:

To use CoreyHealth, you just need a paid Webex account and an enterprise CoreyHealth account.

To get started: Once in a Webex Call, search "Core Mobile". Click the app and click "Get Started" to "Create an Account."