Eurl (messaging)


Bot by Cisco Systems


Help users join your space!

Help users join your space!
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Bot by Cisco Systems
  • Eurl is used to create spaces that users can search for and join. You can add to a group space in Webex. Then, @mention the bot in the group space in Webex with the "help" command for more information.

  • You can also send a direct message to in Webex to search public and internal spaces, e.g. send the word 'test' and Eurl will return a list of all spaces with the word 'test' in the space title.

  • If Eurl is set to have its list enabled in a Webex group space, then it will appear on for users to search for and join! Whether the internal setting is used will determine which users will be able to see the space as joinable.



  • Eurl is used to create spaces that users can search for and join. You can add to a group space in Webex. Then, @mention the bot in the group space in Webex with the "help" command for more information.

  • You can also send a direct message to in Webex to search public and internal spaces, e.g. send the word 'test' and Eurl will return a list of all spaces with the word 'test' in the space title.

  • If Eurl is set to have its list enabled in a Webex group space, then it will appear on for users to search for and join! Whether the internal setting is used will determine which users will be able to see the space as joinable.