GifBot (messaging)


Bot by Cisco Systems


Bot integration between the ever popular Giphy GIF platform and Webex

Bot integration between the ever popular Giphy GIF platform and Webex
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Bot by Cisco Systems

Quick and easy setup! Just add GifBot to your space, mention it with the @ symbol, and then pass it a search query like Hello World to get back a randomly selected (PG-13 or gentler) gif from the archives of Giphy. If you want to delete a questionable result, just use '@GifBot delete last' to clear it!



Quick and easy setup! Just add GifBot to your space, mention it with the @ symbol, and then pass it a search query like Hello World to get back a randomly selected (PG-13 or gentler) gif from the archives of Giphy. If you want to delete a questionable result, just use '@GifBot delete last' to clear it!