Marketo (messaging)


Bot by Cisco Systems


Gain efficiency and insights for your digital marketing with the Marketo bot for Webex.

Gain efficiency and insights for your digital marketing with the Marketo bot for Webex.
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Bot by Cisco Systems

Managing leads and automating activities is critical to measuring success of any marketing campaign. The Marketo bot for Webex connects your campaigns to selected spaces so you and your team can keep track of everything.

Note: You need a Marketo administrator (or another role with Webhook access permissions enabled) to set up workflows.

Connect Marketo to your spaces to receive customizable notifications when leads are created or updated.

To get started, go to your selected Webex space, then type "@" and select Marketo, followed by the command: help.



Managing leads and automating activities is critical to measuring success of any marketing campaign. The Marketo bot for Webex connects your campaigns to selected spaces so you and your team can keep track of everything.

Note: You need a Marketo administrator (or another role with Webhook access permissions enabled) to set up workflows.

Connect Marketo to your spaces to receive customizable notifications when leads are created or updated.

To get started, go to your selected Webex space, then type "@" and select Marketo, followed by the command: help.