Points! (messaging)


Bot by Cisco Systems


Give points to Webex users for fun or recognition.

Give points to Webex users for fun or recognition.
Log in to add app +
Bot by Cisco Systems

Points! allows you to give credit to other users for a job well done, and keeps a running tally. You can give points to just about anything! To get started, simply add the bot to a group space and then mention @Points!

For specific examples, use: @Points! help

This bot does not work in 1 to 1 spaces.



Points! allows you to give credit to other users for a job well done, and keeps a running tally. You can give points to just about anything! To get started, simply add the bot to a group space and then mention @Points!

For specific examples, use: @Points! help

This bot does not work in 1 to 1 spaces.