Poll Everywhere (messaging)

Poll Everywhere

Embedded App by Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere

Bring audience voices to the forefront with engaging activities that display real-time results.

Bring audience voices to the forefront with engaging activities that display real-time results.
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Embedded App by Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere powers hybrid work by turning presentations into inclusive conversations. As you present, use Poll Everywhere activities like Word clouds, Competitions, and Q&As to check in with your audience and hear their feedback.

Leading conversations with Poll Everywhere will help you collect powerful insights that reveal trends over time. Log in to your account to analyze the results, generate detailed reports, and repurpose activities in any context.

To get started, find the Poll Everywhere app in your Webex Meeting and log in or sign up for an account. Now, you are ready to create and present your first activity. In order to receive responses within Webex, ensure that you have the host role in the meeting and click “Open Together” in the panel of the Webex client. From there, participants can respond to your activity directly in Webex Meetings.

A Poll Everywhere subscription is required to present activities. Plans start at free and more information can be found at www.polleverywhere.com/plans.



Poll Everywhere powers hybrid work by turning presentations into inclusive conversations. As you present, use Poll Everywhere activities like Word clouds, Competitions, and Q&As to check in with your audience and hear their feedback.

Leading conversations with Poll Everywhere will help you collect powerful insights that reveal trends over time. Log in to your account to analyze the results, generate detailed reports, and repurpose activities in any context.

To get started, find the Poll Everywhere app in your Webex Meeting and log in or sign up for an account. Now, you are ready to create and present your first activity. In order to receive responses within Webex, ensure that you have the host role in the meeting and click “Open Together” in the panel of the Webex client. From there, participants can respond to your activity directly in Webex Meetings.

A Poll Everywhere subscription is required to present activities. Plans start at free and more information can be found at www.polleverywhere.com/plans.