Samurai keeps online learning safe, monitoring spaces and 1:1 chats for aggressive or inappropriate conversations. Notifications are delivered to school personnel in a dedicated teams space when messages contain:
- Cyberbullying
- Personal attacks
- Sexual harassment
WIth Samurai, schools can:
- Monitor spaces and 1:1 chats that teachers can’t see for cyberbullying and harassment
- Create a safe teams environment for student to connect and collaborate
- Notify personal when inappropriate behavior is detected
- Streamline workflow for early interventions
Note: In order to use this integration, you must have compliance officer privileges added to your account. Also, you will need a Webex account, as well as a Samurai Guardian account.
To get started, simple go to Samurai guardian for education provides protection starting from $19 per user, per month. For more information on pricing and subscription options please contact Samurai Sales at
Samurai keeps online learning safe, monitoring spaces and 1:1 chats for aggressive or inappropriate conversations. Notifications are delivered to school personnel in a dedicated teams space when messages contain:
- Cyberbullying
- Personal attacks
- Sexual harassment
WIth Samurai, schools can:
- Monitor spaces and 1:1 chats that teachers can’t see for cyberbullying and harassment
- Create a safe teams environment for student to connect and collaborate
- Notify personal when inappropriate behavior is detected
- Streamline workflow for early interventions
Note: In order to use this integration, you must have compliance officer privileges added to your account. Also, you will need a Webex account, as well as a Samurai Guardian account.
To get started, simple go to Samurai guardian for education provides protection starting from $19 per user, per month. For more information on pricing and subscription options please contact Samurai Sales at