ScrumGenius (messaging)


Bot by ScrumGenius


ScrumGenius is a standup bot for agile teams. Run automated standups and check-in meetings in Webex.

ScrumGenius is a standup bot for agile teams. Run automated standups and check-in meetings in Webex.
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Bot by ScrumGenius

ScrumGenius is the solution to automating routine communication at work. Spend less time asking what they are working on or searching through the task tracker. ScrumGenius helps you have more efficient meetings and improve transparency at work.

Create your own or use our standard daily standup template

  • Daily Standups (Agile Scrum reports)
  • Sprint Retrospectives (Weekly or Bi-Weekly)
  • Private check-ins (between team member and manager)
  • Monthly reporting

You can customize every part of the report, including:

  • scheduling (daily/weekly/bi-weekly, monthly)
  • recipients (who should receive it and respond)
  • customize your questions
  • automated reminders (so people don't forget to check-in)
  • private responses (only managers can see responses)

How the Webex integration works:

  • When it's time to give an update, people will receive a direct message directly in Webex.
  • When they give an update, ScrumGenius will push responses to the particular channel chosen in the report
  • If someone forgets, they will receive another message that reminds them to give an update
  • After the report closes, we send an email summary of the responses to the team

Add the bot to your space or team to get started

Subscriptions and pricing can be found by visiting

A ScrumGenius account is required for use of this service. An account can be created for free.



ScrumGenius is the solution to automating routine communication at work. Spend less time asking what they are working on or searching through the task tracker. ScrumGenius helps you have more efficient meetings and improve transparency at work.

Create your own or use our standard daily standup template

  • Daily Standups (Agile Scrum reports)
  • Sprint Retrospectives (Weekly or Bi-Weekly)
  • Private check-ins (between team member and manager)
  • Monthly reporting

You can customize every part of the report, including:

  • scheduling (daily/weekly/bi-weekly, monthly)
  • recipients (who should receive it and respond)
  • customize your questions
  • automated reminders (so people don't forget to check-in)
  • private responses (only managers can see responses)

How the Webex integration works:

  • When it's time to give an update, people will receive a direct message directly in Webex.
  • When they give an update, ScrumGenius will push responses to the particular channel chosen in the report
  • If someone forgets, they will receive another message that reminds them to give an update
  • After the report closes, we send an email summary of the responses to the team

Add the bot to your space or team to get started

Subscriptions and pricing can be found by visiting

A ScrumGenius account is required for use of this service. An account can be created for free.