Smartsheet Bot (messaging)

Smartsheet Bot

Bot by Cisco Systems

Smartsheet Bot

Communicate and collaborate on all your work with the Smartsheet bot for Webex.

Communicate and collaborate on all your work with the Smartsheet bot for Webex.
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Bot by Cisco Systems

Plan, track and, make more progress on your work more quickly with the Smartsheet bot for Webex. Setup real-time notifications for sheet updates, comments added and more —right from 1:1 or group spaces.

Connect the Smartsheet bot to your spaces to receive customizable notifications such as:

  • Row or Column Created

  • Row, Column, Discussion, Comment, or Attachment Deleted

  • Comment Added, Updated, or Replied-to

  • Column Cell Updated

  • Sheet Shared with you

You can also use the bot for the following:

  • Share a sheet with someone
  • Add a row to an existing sheet
  • Add comments to a sheet

To get started, add the Smartshet bot to a Webex space using this bot Type @smartsheet, followed by help.



Plan, track and, make more progress on your work more quickly with the Smartsheet bot for Webex. Setup real-time notifications for sheet updates, comments added and more —right from 1:1 or group spaces.

Connect the Smartsheet bot to your spaces to receive customizable notifications such as:

  • Row or Column Created

  • Row, Column, Discussion, Comment, or Attachment Deleted

  • Comment Added, Updated, or Replied-to

  • Column Cell Updated

  • Sheet Shared with you

You can also use the bot for the following:

  • Share a sheet with someone
  • Add a row to an existing sheet
  • Add comments to a sheet

To get started, add the Smartshet bot to a Webex space using this bot Type @smartsheet, followed by help.