swyMed Telehealth (messaging)

swyMed Telehealth

Integration by swyMed Incorporated

swyMed Telehealth

Bring Telemedicine capabilities to Life through Webex

Bring Telemedicine capabilities to Life through Webex
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Integration by swyMed Incorporated

swyMed brings its industry-leading Telemedicine software to the Webex by Cisco community. This integration adds swyMed's remote control and device integration to Webex calls and extends the reach of where Webex can deliver high quality service through swyMed's patented session management protocol.

To get started, click the link to download the swyMed Telehealth application and install it on your computer. You can log in with your Webex by Cisco account, but for full telemedicine features you will need a separate subscription to a swyMed Telehealth account. Go to https://get.swymed.com/webex for more details.

Once you have the swyMed software installed, you are ready to reach out to swyMed and/or Webex-enabled users for high quality, secure, HIPAA compliant video visits that can integrate a wide variety of FDA-cleared medical diagnostic devices including: stethoscopes, otoscopes, dermatoscopes, ultrasound probes and more.



swyMed brings its industry-leading Telemedicine software to the Webex by Cisco community. This integration adds swyMed's remote control and device integration to Webex calls and extends the reach of where Webex can deliver high quality service through swyMed's patented session management protocol.

To get started, click the link to download the swyMed Telehealth application and install it on your computer. You can log in with your Webex by Cisco account, but for full telemedicine features you will need a separate subscription to a swyMed Telehealth account. Go to https://get.swymed.com/webex for more details.

Once you have the swyMed software installed, you are ready to reach out to swyMed and/or Webex-enabled users for high quality, secure, HIPAA compliant video visits that can integrate a wide variety of FDA-cleared medical diagnostic devices including: stethoscopes, otoscopes, dermatoscopes, ultrasound probes and more.