Vizir HR bot (messaging)

Vizir HR bot

Bot by Vizir

Vizir HR bot

Help your colleagues on HR issues.

Help your colleagues on HR issues.
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Bot by Vizir

Vizir HR bot will help you with your HR questions.

Get started today by clicking on "Add Bot+" or add the bot to a Space/Direct Message via

Need more assistance, Vizir can search or post data in your HR software (Workday, SAP,...)

Vizir HR bot is a free app. To customize the bot's content and connect it to your HR tools, you must have a subscription. You can use this demo chatbot with your active Webex account. To customize your bot with Vizir, you will need a Vizir account. For more information on pricing and subscription options, please go to

To get started, just book a demo with us and an expert will help you get started:



Vizir HR bot will help you with your HR questions.

Get started today by clicking on "Add Bot+" or add the bot to a Space/Direct Message via

Need more assistance, Vizir can search or post data in your HR software (Workday, SAP,...)

Vizir HR bot is a free app. To customize the bot's content and connect it to your HR tools, you must have a subscription. You can use this demo chatbot with your active Webex account. To customize your bot with Vizir, you will need a Vizir account. For more information on pricing and subscription options, please go to

To get started, just book a demo with us and an expert will help you get started: