Yum-CentOS-bot (messaging)


Bot by Cisco


Solution Of Tomorrow

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Bot by Cisco

Yum-bot has been designed to address dependency issues with OS packages where there is no connectivity to internet within production environment. A customer might ask for a specific capability, but we SysAdmins are well aware of the subsequent dependencies involved. Through "Yum-bot", you can fulfill those needs without any research or downloading individual packages.

How to begin? Simply search for "yum-bot@webex.bot" on Webex and getting started with a simple greeting. Through this bot, user has the capability to traverse (n-2) versions of CentOS and run the available commands on each based on requirement. You can run "/help" to learn the bot's capabilities

  • You will be able to download a package along with its respective dependencies. This package won't be available in these listed versions by default (/package <package-name>)
  • Download packages with limited dependencies. These packages will be installed on the listed versions(/installed <package-name>)
  • Know about exact name of existing packages by providing the absolute path of the command from your system or any other system where it is already installed.(/provides <abspath>
  • Search for keywords to know about the exact package name which can be downloaded later using above feature.(/search keyword)
  • Download any python library or module
  • Can check the list of current repositories available for each of the OS versions( which can also be listed ) available using prefixes available under "/help" command.


Yum-bot has been designed to address dependency issues with OS packages where there is no connectivity to internet within production environment. A customer might ask for a specific capability, but we SysAdmins are well aware of the subsequent dependencies involved. Through "Yum-bot", you can fulfill those needs without any research or downloading individual packages.

How to begin? Simply search for "yum-bot@webex.bot" on Webex and getting started with a simple greeting. Through this bot, user has the capability to traverse (n-2) versions of CentOS and run the available commands on each based on requirement. You can run "/help" to learn the bot's capabilities

  • You will be able to download a package along with its respective dependencies. This package won't be available in these listed versions by default (/package <package-name>)
  • Download packages with limited dependencies. These packages will be installed on the listed versions(/installed <package-name>)
  • Know about exact name of existing packages by providing the absolute path of the command from your system or any other system where it is already installed.(/provides <abspath>
  • Search for keywords to know about the exact package name which can be downloaded later using above feature.(/search keyword)
  • Download any python library or module
  • Can check the list of current repositories available for each of the OS versions( which can also be listed ) available using prefixes available under "/help" command.